Wie oft? Wie weit? Auf der Straße oder im Wald?
Vielleicht sind Sie ein Allrounder, der überall dort läuft, wohin es ihn treibt, und das auf verschiedenen Untergründen. Zweifellos hat die Art von Läufern, die Sie sind, einen großen Einfluss auf Ihre Wahl der Laufschuhe. Although the market is flooded with different types of running shoes, there are three main shoe categories divided by surface: Road, Road-to-Trail and Trail. These can be further divided into the two subcategories Volume training shoes and Racing/intervals shoes. Volume training shoes are generally made of durable materials that provide good stability and soft cushioning over a long period of time. Racing/intervals shoes, on the other hand, are designed to enable skilled runners to run as fast as possible, which means that the shoes are lighter and less stable and less forgiving. Which category suits you best depend mainly on how and where you run.
Vielleicht sind Sie ein Allrounder, der überall dort läuft, wohin es ihn treibt, und das auf verschiedenen Untergründen. Zweifellos hat die Art von Läufern, die Sie sind, einen großen Einfluss auf Ihre Wahl der Laufschuhe. Although the market is flooded with different types of running shoes, there are three main shoe categories divided by surface: Road, Road-to-Trail and Trail. These can be further divided into the two subcategories Volume training shoes and Racing/intervals shoes. Volume training shoes are generally made of durable materials that provide good stability and soft cushioning over a long period of time. Racing/intervals shoes, on the other hand, are designed to enable skilled runners to run as fast as possible, which means that the shoes are lighter and less stable and less forgiving. Which category suits you best depend mainly on how and where you run.